Faith Foundation

 1. The Scriptures Inspired

The Scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments, are verbally inspired of God and are the revelation of God to man, the infallible, authoritative rule of faith and conduct.

Timothy speaks of the inspiration of Scripture. “Inspired” is the translation of a Greek word that literally means “God-breathed.” Every word of Scripture is from the mouth of God! 2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. 

Theologians speak of inspiration as the mysterious process by which God worked through the authors of Scripture to produce inerrant and divinely authoritative writings. Know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own given interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. 2 Peter 1:21 for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God[a] spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. “Interpretation” speaks of origin. Scripture didn’t originate on the human level but with the Holy Spirit, who “moved” upon the authors to write it. “Moved” is the translation of a nautical term that describes the effects of wind upon a ship as it blows against its sails and moves it through the water. Similarly, the Spirit moved on the Biblical writers to produce the Word of God.

The human authors of Scripture knew they were writing God’s Word, and they did so with confidence and authority. The welcomed it not as from mere man but God. 1 Thessalonians 2:13 For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe.


2. Trinity: Father, Son, & Spirit


The one true God

A) The one true God has revealed Himself as the eternally self-existent “I AM,” the Creator of heaven and earth and the Redeemer of mankind. He has further revealed Himself as embodying the principles of relationship and association as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

B) The Adorable Godhead Defined.

The terms “Trinity” and “persons” as related to the Godhead, while not found in the Scriptures, are words in harmony with Scripture, whereby we may convey to others our immediate understanding of the doctrine of Christ respecting the Being of God, as distinguished from “gods many and lords many.” We, therefore, may speak with propriety of the Lord our God who is One Lord, as a trinity or as one Being of three persons, and still be absolutely scriptural. Book of Genesis God says “Let us make man.” That word us is more than one person.

C) Distinction and Relationship in the Godhead.

Christ taught a distinction of Persons in the Godhead which He expressed in specific terms of relationship, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but that this distinction and relationship, as to its mode is inscrutable and incomprehensible, because unexplained.

D) Unity of the One Being of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Accordingly, therefore, there is that in the Father which constitutes him the Father and not the Son; there is that in the Son which constitutes Him the Son and not the Father; and there is that in the Holy Spirit which constitutes Him the Holy Spirit and not either the Father or the Son. Wherefore the Father is the Begetter, the Son is the Begotten, and the Holy Spirit is the one proceeding from the Father and the Son. Therefore, because these three persons in the Godhead are in a state of unity, there is but one Lord God Almighty and His name one.

E) The Lord Jesus Christ, God with Us.

The Lord Jesus Christ, as to His divine and eternal nature, is the proper and only Begotten of the Father, but as to His human nature, He is the proper Son of Man. He is, therefore, acknowledged to be both God and man; who because He is God and man is “Emmanuel,” God with us.

F) The Title, Son of God.

Since the name “Emmanuel” embraces both God and man in the one Person, our Lord Jesus Christ, it follows that the title, Son of God, describes His proper deity, and the title, Son of Man, His proper humanity. Therefore, the title Son of God belongs to the order of eternity, and the title, Son of Man, to the order of time.

G) Exaltation of Jesus Christ as Lord.

The Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, having by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; angels and principalities and powers having been made subject unto Him. And having been made both Lord and Christ, He sent the Holy Spirit that we, in the name of Jesus, might bow our knees and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father until the end, when the Son shall become subject to the Father that God may be all in all.

H) Equal Honor to the Father and to the Son.

Wherefore, since the Father has delivered all judgment unto the Son, it is not only the express duty of all in heaven and on earth to bow the knee, but it is an unspeakable joy in the Holy Spirit to ascribe unto the Son all the attributes of Deity and to give Him all honor and the glory contained in all the names and titles of the Godhead except those which express relationship (see Distinction and Relationship in the Godhead, Unity of the One Being of Father, Son and Holy Spirit , and Identity and Cooperation in the Godhead) and thus honor the Son even as we honor the Father.

I) Transgression of the Doctrine of Christ.

Wherefore, it is a transgression of the Doctrine of Christ to say that Jesus Christ derived the title, Son of God, solely from the fact of the incarnation, or because of His relation to the economy of redemption. Therefore, to deny that the Father is a real and eternal Father, and that the Son is a real and eternal Son, is a denial of the distinction and relationship in the Being of God; a denial of the Father, and the Son; and a displacement of the truth that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh.

The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ

J) The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. The Scriptures declare Him to not only be the son but God. Come threw a virgin birth, to be able to speak to His creation.

K) He’s lived a sinless life.

L) His substitutionary work on the cross.

M) His bodily resurrection from the dead.

N) His exaltation to the right hand of God.

O) His miracles, signs, and wonders.

The Person of The Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit operates threw born-again believers.  He has a Soul, and from His Soul He can think, feel, & act. He has a Mind, Emotions & Will. Holy Spirit is a person who has a relationship with us through His speech & feelings. He would not be able to communicate with mankind if He did not have a Soul. (The list below is not limited)

P) The Holy Spirit fills us with Himself.

Q) The Holy Spirit is our personal TEACHER. He’s The One that reminds us of things that we have learned. He teaches His students to interpret the truth.

R) The Holy Spirit speaks. In the Bible, we find that He SAID.

S) The Holy Spirit can be GRIEVED by our bad behavior and sin.

T) The Holy Spirit can be OUTRAGED.

U) The Holy Spirit can be lied and make DECISIONS, and FORBID plans that are not from Him.

V) The Holy Spirit bears WITNESS to believers about their adoption as children of God. He also bears witness of Jesus. The Spirit glorifies Christ, takes what is Christ, & declares it to believers.

W) The Holy Spirit Empowers us to walk in power.

X) The Holy Spirit SEARCHES everything and comprehends The Father’s thoughts.

Y) The Holy Spirit GIVES us life & spiritual gifts.

Z) The Holy Spirit brings CONVICTION to the world.


3. The Salvation Of Man

A) Man was created good and upright:

For God said, “Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness.” However, man by voluntary transgression fell and thereby incurred not only physical death but also spiritual death, which is separation from God.

B) Physical and spiritual death:

Jesus went through, not only physical death but also spiritual death. He paid the full price for us on the cross. Physical punishment paid for us to have healing in our body and soul, and spiritual punishment was to win us back to Him. When He bred his last, He side “Father receive my Spirit. He did not go to heaven yet, The Father had The Holy Spirit take Him and put him in Hell for 3 days in the center of the earth, have him pay a spiritual punishment to break the barrier between us and the Father. The spiritual death gave us the right to become sons and daughters of God. There would be no other way for us to become born-again if He did not pay the punishment in hell spiritually. After the third day, He was moved by The Holy Spirit to a place called paradise, and He preached to the spirits in prison, who wear the old testament saints. Jesus spoke to them about the salvation that was available thru Him. Jesus received the keys of Hades. So all the old testament saints wear in the holding place till the perfect sacrifice was made for our sins and theirs. Jesus paid the price for whom that wear from the beginning to the end when he returns. Paradise was prison compared to Heaven.

C) Salvation thru Jesus:

Man’s only hope of redemption is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God. Salvation is received through repentance toward God and faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ. By the washing of regeneration and renewing of The Holy Spirit, being justified, redeemed, reconciliation & sanctified to God by His grace through our faith in Jesus. Then man becoming born again, & a joint heir to God.

D) Salvation is not cheap grace:

Maintaining salvation is biblical, Paul says to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. We all get grace in the beginning as newborn babes, but when knowledge increases and our understanding of God grows we are more accountable for our actions. I understand that we sleep up here and there, but when we continually stay sinning the bible labels dose as lukewarm Christians. God says I would raider have you hot or cold. Because when you have one foot in God and one foot in the world, your shaming the gospel. We should have the power to overcome sin if we keep our lamps burning. Does that receive The Holy Spirit mostly will not lose Him, but someone can still have The Holy Spirit and be born-again and not go to heaven because their lamps did not have oil to keep the light burning on that day when he/she meets The Lord. We do agree that backslider will be in danger of being told by the Lord one day “I do not know you.” While on earth the Prodigal son’s will always have a place in the Father’s house if he turns back and repents. Grace will always be available to them that humble themselves.

E) Blaspheming The Holy Spirit:

There is those that God has put his name on them, who will be judged more strictly. Does that have tasted the heavenly gifts and have been enlightened and have been partakers of The Holy Spirit. Does that the power of God has been demonstrated through, are more accountable because the souls of others are in their hands. A man like this deliberately is potting Son of God to open shame.

F) Twice dead:

The term twice dead mains; a person that was born-again chose to reject Christ later down the line by his own choice. This is different then backsliding. This is rejecting the truth and taking on falls teaching over truth. This kind of people distort the true doctrine of Christ and have formed a cult. False teacher and pastors that once were part of the truth and have fallen away for their evil appetites.

G) Walking out your salvation:

The outward evidence of salvation to all men is a life of righteousness and true holiness. Bearing fruit and making a difference not only outwardly towards all man, but international being in love with the Lord with all your body, soul, and spirit.


4. Baptism In Water

A) The ordinance of baptism by immersion is commanded by the Scriptures. All who repent and believe in Christ as Savior and Lord are to be baptized. Thus they declare to the world that they have died with Christ and that they also have been raised with Him to walk in newness of life.

B) Baptism is an act of showing that you have turned to follow Jesus by being submerged in water and coming back up out of the water into the kingdom of God. This doesn’t mean you are fully sanctified in your soul. The sanctification of a man’s soul is a personal work that a believer pots into transformation. We believe that you don’t have to be perfect to be baptized. Acts chapter two we have three thousand people that had no time to really transform to be more like Christ. Acts eight, Simon was baptized and this man was not perfect in any way. Peter side you’re heart is not right before God and you are filled with bitterness and are captive to sin. I don’t say this to give people right to sin, but I say all this so that people won’t hinder others from getting baptized. Especially if a person has been baptized in the gift of tongues. We have seen God give people breakthrough during baptism.


5. Baptism In The Holy Spirit

A) In the gospel of John, Jesus breads on to his disciples and says “receive The Holy Spirit,” this was before the day of Pentecost. This was the moment that they got born-again and received The Holy Spirit. At that moment the Holy Spirit went inside their spirit and gave birth to their spirit witch in terms we say; Born-again or new birth. The Holy Spirit joins the believers back to The Father. Then we become one with God. This is not the Baptism in The Holy Spirit, this is getting saved.

B) The Baptism in The Holy Spirit is different than receiving The Holy Spirit during salvation. The Baptism in The Holy Spirit is a physical sign of speaking with other tongues;  which was given at the day of Pentecost. Jesus side I will send you the Promise of the Father. This promise was to endued them with power. All believers are entitled to and should ardently expect and earnestly seek the promise of the Father, the baptism in the Holy Spirit and fire, the gift of tongues.

Operation and benefits of praying in tongues

C) Praying in tongues will give The Holy Spirit opportunity to add knowledge to your spiritual mind and transfer it to our soulish mind. He will make room in your mind to understand and comprehend the word of God. Revelation after revelation will start pouring into a believers life when he gives time to pray in the tongues. This gift of tongues can turn a babe believer from drinking milk to solid food. There are people that stay babes all their Christian walk and never move to solid food.

D) Praying in tongues will make you a student of The Holy Spirit. He will start teaching you precept upon precept, and line upon line, here a little and they’re a little. He will start stores up in your born-again spirit revaluation for a later time. What The Holy Spirit will do is building from one scripture to another. Things that did not make sense will start to make sense. He will take your understanding to another level. Most people never get to the top of the building blocks, because they want a shortcut. But you can’t build on top of one revelation by skipping the one that’s supposed to unlock the next. Holy Spirit will start from the bottom and take you to the top in order, so you can become well rounded in scripture. Things that were not opened up before will suddenly open and start to line up. Scripture does not contradict each other, its the distorted interpretations of scripture that does. Praying in tongues clears up and lines up scripture. When you have the author of the book teaching you, it’s much better than to try to figure things out with Him than without. Again He side “whom will he teach” He will teach dose that spends the time praying in The Holy Spirit.

E) He will speak to his people in the manner of praying in tongues. Whosoever speaks in tongues speaks to God directly with a language only God can understand. He will give you interpretation at given times and situations. Spending time praying in The Holy Spirit, is like taking time to conversate with God in a pure language that’s between your spirit and His. This process will give you better discerning of His voice. Holy Spirit speaks in a small still voice, those who spend time in prayer, start to hear revelation inside their spirit from Holy Spirit. He stores up in your born-again spirit revaluation knowledge.

F) This is the rest with which you may cause the weary to rest. By praying in tongues you are enforcing the positional truth of the new nature through The Holy Spirit. The new nature which is your born-again spirit has a kingdom inside of it. That Kingdom is The Holy Spirit. Jesus side the kingdom of God does not come with observation, but it will be inside of you. What The Holy Spirit can supply is peace and refreshing that every believer has access threw praying in tongues. In the kingdom of God, there is no lack of anything. Peace, Joy, rest, power, self-control, gifts, healing, deliverance and so on… The list is endless because the Kingdom of God has different customs and laws that it operates by, no limit of the goodness of God for us. In Isaiah 28:12 does end with “yet they would not hear” is talking about the dose that rejects the possibility of the gift of tongues do to bad teaching that steers people away from receiving this gift. To add to this I will say this; You can have the gift of tongues but not use it, and that won’t help you enter into the rest or peace that God has for us. Rest and peace will still be available to all believers through other means (4 keys) but not to the greater level that it is possible to obtain. If you want limited peace don’t pray in tongues, but there is an unlimited or greater for does who want more.

G) When we pray, we pray mysteries. What are mysteries? A divine secret inside of The Holy Spirit to be transformed into your human spirit. Mysteries of God are only a mystery to those that can’t comprehend the depth of what God has side or wants to say. Holy Spirit has sanctified your human spirit to be born-again, so it has the ability to learn spiritual things that are spiritual. He gives these mysteries one steep at a time, like building blocks that are able to comprehend in your human spirit. Divine secrets are for the children of God to know them not to hide them from them. That’s why mystery is something the natural person or someone that does not pray in tongues will have a harder time to comprehend or receive. Not that God does not want to give it, but it’s impossible for that person to understand deeper revelation if they have not spent time with the teacher The Holy Spirit with this gift of tongs so it can expand their capacity in their spirit and soul. At the end of the day, we want The Holy Spirit to speak to us and show us what he is saying in His Word. We cant go deeper with the gift of tongs. Gift of tongs will expend the depth of God in us with no limit. 

H) Praying in tongues unites believers together for the great work of God. It brings believers to a place of being one accord with what the mind of Christ wants. This enables the group to operate in unity. Wear there is unity there will be a revival. The book of Philippians says: “How can two walks together if they don’t have the same mind seat.” The problem lies in the place where there is no group effort to become like minded. To expand on this further, when we pray in tongues are mind, emotions, and will get transformed to be like Christ. How many marriages would be saved if a couple stop what they are doing and pots time into their marriage by praying together in tongues so The Holy Spirit can line up their souls and brake off what’s causing division in their marriage? Same goes to church leadership, How many of Church leaders would take the moment to stop all their running around and start a consistent prayer time together as leaders so God can bring all of them to be one accord, not only with each other but with The Holy Spirit. So many of us are not in one accord with The Holy Spirit and we wonder why things are not moving or changing for us to see the move of God. What if like the early church in the book of Acts manifest itself today where we can start to say Acts 4:32 Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common.

I) In Acts 2:1-4 was the day of Pentecost where we see that the bible says they were filled with The Holy Spirit and speak with other tongues. We want to be clear that this was the moment that they all received the gift of tongues and they were filled due to their pursuing God in worship and fasting. Receiving the gift of tongues does not mean you are filled with the Holy Spirit. Being filled with The Holy Spirit is when you pot the gift of tongues in to use, and in return, The Holy Spirit fills you up. Receiving the gift was a sign; as they kept praying in tongues which in turn added to them, and The Holy Spirit filled them up with more of Himself. As you can see through praying in tongues they got more filled with the joy that was over the top. They came out laughing out of control, to the point where they looked drunk, they could not control them self due to being drunk in their human spirit. What happens when you drink too much in the natural? will some people just lose it and laugh uncontrollably. This was the same in this case heir, they got filled with so much joy and from The Holy Spirit that it was not controllable to hold themselves together. As we see in verse 13 that people mocked them and side they are full of new wine. But we know that they were drunk in their born again spirit which in return moved from the human spirit to the human soul, then to their body which caused the uncontrollable laughter to burst out, and believe me, folks, we have experienced this ourselves many times, and there’s nothing you can do when you get filled with this kind of joy through praying in The Holy Spirit. Peter addresses the mockers in verse 15 and says they’re not drunk as you suppose since it is only the third hour of the days.

J) Acts 2:4 The speaking in tongues in this instance is the same in essence as the gift of tongues, but is different in purpose and use.

K) In Acts 2:5-12 the believers that came down from the upper room wear on fire for God and they just kept praying in tongues even outside of the upper room and people from all over came and they all heard them speaking in tongues, but each man heard the wonderful things of God. Verse 8, you can see that they side how is it that we hear what you are saying in our own languages. The language that was coming out of the tongues of the believers was one sound and one language, but The Holy Spirit was taking what was being sided and translating it to them in their language. So when they would hear someone speaking in tongues, the multitude of people that are standing their all heir what one person is saying in their own native language. Verses 9 through 11 we see about 20 languages if not more. The Holy Spirit took what He was saying out of the believer’s mouth and interpreted in the ear of the people with the soundings of the words, to sound in their own language. It’s like The Holy Spirit become the interpreter by standing in the midst of them.

L) There’s 2 different kind of interpretation that happens in regards to interpreting the Holy Spirit Language, the gift of tongues. One operation is when the Holy Spirit interprets the spoken language in tongues to another person regardless if it’s a believer in Christ or not. This does not involve the gift of interpretation. The second one is when someone does have the gift of interpretation and translates what was spoken from the mouth of another believer. This doesn’t only happen this way. The person with the gift of interpreting will also be able to interpret what he or she has prayed out of his own mouth as the Spirit wills.

M) We see 3 different ways people are edified through interpretation of tongues. First, we see unbelievers being edified in the day of Pentecost by hearing the wonderful works of God through The Holy Spirit’s interpretation to their ears with what was being side threw the believers. Second, we see Assembly of believers can be edified after interpretation. The body of believers threw one man’s speaking in tongues and threw another interpretation. The third we know that The Holy Spirit can give us an interpretation of what we prayed out for personal edification.

N) We have another edification work that The Holy Spirit does on the inside of us. This kind of edification is different from interpretation the language of tongues. Praying in the tongues gives The Holy Spirit room to start transformation on the inside. It’s a building and strengthening work that removes the things in your soul that hinder your walk with God. It’s one of the best ways to fight off negative emotions and negative thinking. It also helps the area of the will. If you don’t have a strong will you will go through one bad decision after another. That’s why praying in tongues makes such an impact in edifying a person to have a healthy soul. We either are a healthy soul or wear not. Thank God he has given away to edify ourselves to be strong in our souls.

O) The Holy Spirit builds our faith when we pray in tongues. How is it that we talk about we need faith, but not much people tell you how to build it. See we have things that hold us back to believe for more and even expect more. For those who have the gift of faith that manifest during healing or even impossible situations that’s great! but we also have to take responsibility to build our faith. See a gift will come and go as The Holy Spirit wills but the faith we have should not satisfy us. All of us should have a goal to believe with faith like Jesus did. That should be are standard. If we settle for less we make ourselves worthless and teach others the same. Pressing in with this gift of tongues or putting the gift into use will give The Holy Spirit room to purge out unbelief. The more we pray, the more we give The Holy Spirit room to clean out the junk that’s blocking or not letting us grow in faith. We can’t just say we need more faith and not do the very thing that produces faith in us.

P) Paul’s desire was for everyone to speak in tongues because he knew the benefits. He told the Ephesians to be watchful in prayer for the saints. We can see all over scripture he kept bringing it up. in Romans, Corinthians, Ephesians. As a result, he himself prayed in tongues more than all. He understood that he can’t afford not to pray in tongues due to the amount of prosecution that was always be waiting for him. Also, he could not afford to speak from the flesh, he made the time to pray out the ministry’s that produced 2/3 of the new testament. Paul had to spend the time to get the mind of Christ in his leathers to the Churches. There would not have been any other ways for Paul to comprehend the depth of God, without using the gift of tongues.

Q) If we look at Peter and the apostles in Acts 6:4 They wear seat to be in continual prayer & the Word. We see that The Holy Spirit was the carried the anointing over Mary and she became pregnant with Jesus. And we see that Peter’s shadow was being used by the Holy Spirit to manifest anointing that healed many sick people. But he would have never got to that place of walking in that much anointing if he did not use the gift of tongues in his life. Everyone has the Holy Spirit in them and that same power Peter was walking is inside of all of us. But we limit that anointing by not pressing in with tongues and we settle with what we have. Most people stay stuck with a small anointing from the Holy Spirit due to a no having a prayer life.

R) One of the best ways to praise and magnifying God is through tongues. Paul was all about praying in tongues and even singing in the spirit threw tongues. He knows what it was going to be all about when Jesus side, you will worship in spirit and truth. Singing and praying in tongues will invite a great level of anointing and power in a believer’s life. As we can see in the book of Acts they were filled with overwhelming joy. We can also see that Paul compares worship to someone that’s filled with wine. How drinking fills the body and how prayer and worship is the key to being filled with the spirit.


6. Spirit Filled Christian

Spirit Filled

Believers use the word, “Spirit filed” receiving the gifts and being filled with the Spirit are two different things. The meaning of Spirit-filled as believers today we think that person is filled with The Holy Spirit. Filled with the gift or gifts is different than someone that had put the time into filling their spirit & soul with the things of God. Such as His power, revaluation & fruit. I have come across a lot of Christians that have been baptized in The Holy Spirit with spiritual gifts, but they have no power, very little revaluation, and no fruit. The thought of someone that can just say he has gifts of The Holy Spirit, does not qualify them to be called Spirit-filled. It’s more right to take that term and say the person has been given gifts from The Holy Spirit. We have seen people that have the gifts of The Holy Spirit who act and talk just like the world. A Spirit-filled person should be transformed not only in the human spirit but in their soul to look more like Christ. Matthew 23:39, “for I say to you, you she’ll see Me no more till you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” Imagine someone coming in the name of the Lord, but the spectators don’t see the Jesus in that person. Instead, they see someone that is just a religious person with good ideas. In contrast, imagine people seeing Jesus when they see you. That’s what Jesus was implying. You shall see Me no more till you experience someone’s life that represents Me with love & power of The Holy Spirit. Love & power does not just come with activities, but with spending time with The Holy Spirit. The world needs people of the Spirit, not a people of activities. The best activity should be to teach people how to spend time with The Holy Spirit.

Growing the born-again spirit, so it can be filled

Commitment brings change. Anyone that wants to win the race goes into strict training. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9:25, “Everyone who competes in the games exercise self-control. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.” He is referring to becoming one with The Holy Spirit. And becoming one with the Spirit is not an overnight process. Self-control can only come when potting the four keys of spiritual growth into practice. I believe growth requires a lot of effort. I have never seen anyone develop muscles by standing still and talking about it. Training is when one person stops what they are doing and puts effort into changing. One of the fruits of The Holy Spirit is self-control which puts all the other fruits on the same platform. You can have The Holy Spirit but never put in the work that causes fruit to manifest. To receive the fruit of The Spirit into your born-again spirit requires time with God. Galatians 5:17 For the flesh lusts against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh. and these are contrary to one another so that you do not do the things that you wish. Are definition of a spirit-filled Christian would be someone that pots the 4 keys into action to feed their spirit with God. The one you feed or strengthen the most will be the one that will control man’s soul. Luke 6:40 A disciple is not above his teacher. But everyone who is perfectly trained will be like his teacher. The word disciple mains a disciplined one. The world has trained us not to be disciplined, we have to fight to become disciplined.

Four keys that transform a believer to become Spirit-filled

1stExtraKeysGod’s Word: If someone was to ask; “what does reading and meditating on The Word of God do?” I would make a list that does not end, but just gonna give some. The purpose of reading the truth is so we can become the truth. If we look we have deception that’s all around us. If the truth is not our daily bread then falsehood will give its place in time, and little by little we will conform to the world if the source of truth is not being implemented. Back to the question, what does reading and meditating on The word of God does to us. 1) It gives us success, 2) hop, 3) truth, 4) shields us, 5) health, 6) sanctifies, 7) build you up, 8) Makes you free, 9) gives you faith, 10) converts the soul, 11) light to our path, 12) strengthens us, 13) cleans are ways, 14) brings conviction of sin.

2ndExtraKeysPraying in tongues: God knew the transformation to be complete in us, He needed to add the gift of tongues in the new testament so He can take us to the next leave. He needed us to utilized this gift in prayer so we can take a stand against our enemy. When we pray in tongues we give The Holy Spirit accesses to fill us up. If we’re not filled up then wear empty, and if were empty we can’t really give or be effective. We become a people that have the Word but not the power of The Holy Spirit. The Word of God without the Spirit is useless. By praying in tongues we give The Holy Spirit a place in our lives to do the purging work of cleaning our soul from our past. We have a short list of what the gift of tongues doses to a believer. There’s more to this list below, but we will focus on what’s in scripture. 1) Praying in tongues builds our faith, 2) help us with our weaknesses, 3) bring unity, 4) gives us edification, 5) lines up scripture, 6) impart knowledge, 7) gives us the ability to comprehend deeper understanding, 8) speaks to us by putting His thoughts into our spirit, 9) gives us rest, and 10) refreshing.

3rdExtraKeysWorship: A) Worship brings presents of God. How do we have the presence of God be with us to a point where people notes that God is present. Will your answer is in worship. The longer you are in worship the stronger the presence of God will be in the believer’s life. We need more of his presence to be in us to manifest outwardly so the gospel won’t be without presents & power.
B) Worship brings presents of God in the area of healing. People complain to God sometimes in the way of why God. Why did that person not get healed when I prayed for them? Will worship has a lot to do with physical healing. Worship takes us to a place where we start to believe for the impossible. What worship is doing, is taking you out of the presence of this world and putting you in the presence of God’s kingdom. And if you make the kingdom of God your most important, as in spending more time there, it will naturally help you to start believing in the costumes of the kingdom, and in that kingdom, there is no lack. There is no sickness. So it’s not just in-off to just understand the truth in God’s Word, we need to take time and live in a kingdom of truth so we can carry the power of the Kingdom. Let’s not forget that Jesus side “the kingdom will be inside of you.” What is he talking about? He’s Talking about The Holy Spirit. Why is it that all believers have The Holy Spirit, but most believers don’t experience the presence or the power of God. Because most believers don’t take the time to soak in worship.
C) Worshiping God is a game changer. When we spend time worshiping, instead of fighting the battle that’s in front of us, we give God room to go forward for us, and He does the battle for us. Victory is hard for us to win when it’s way over our head. But nothing is for God, and God wants us to worship so we can line are souls in the same position as our spirit, so God can move in our situation. Did you know that we hinder God to move because of us? Again worship will move us not God, so God’s move into our situation. And Yes this does not mean that God will not be fighting for you if you don’t worship, but some battles you will never understand or get brake thru without a strong presence of Him. If your spiritual eyes open up, you will see that you have a real enemy and his not playing around with you, He wants to destroy you. So let’s not get comfortable with the precious time you have on earth and say things like this; “God will take care of it” yes He will if you get him involved. Don’t be one of the doses that don’t get a break thru and say things like “it’s God’s will for me to suffer like this so I can learn.” We need to have a testimony that matches God’s kingdom and what we read in the bible.
D) Worship = Confidence: God has transformation me thru worship, It has given me more confidence in my faith to believe for healing. You see I have faith but in the past, it was faith without confidence. I would believe that if I would pray for someone I would have faith for healing, but I could not get the confidence to approach and actually pray for that person. Even when it came down to believing for the miracles and hard situations in my life to change. I would believe without confidence. Being in a kingdom long enough can change all that, and it will become a norm for you and me to just be so confident that people won’t understand why you act the way you act when circumstances don’t move you but you stay in hope and confidence that God is on the move regarding your situation. Most people will start thinking that you’re cocky for not reacting but what they do not know is that it’s your confidence that’s holding you up. And true wisdom and discernment will show confidence that’s running the believers life, not fear or doubt. Not being moved by what they see or hear.
E) So if we sum up what Worship does to you, we can say a lot but most importantly you are glorifying God and spending time with him in His Presence. 1) Worshiping God will give the increase on the Land you stand on, 2) will give you hope during bad days, 3) will give you victory over your enemy’s, 4) blessings will be on your food & water, 5) It will take away sickness and infirmities from among you, 6) will give comfort and 7) the biggest thing that it will do is fill you up with The Holy Spirit so you will be able to walk by the Spirit.

4thExtraKeysFasting: B) Fasting executes the positional truth of what’s been declared about us being dead to the world and being alive in Christ. It brings us closer to God by breaking all forms of bondage that hold us back from Him. When we feel distant from The Holy Spirit, its because our flesh has been trained from the world thru the five senses in our flesh. So when we fast, we enforce what was declared on us. Are spirit rises and the flesh decreases when we fast. And when are flesh decreases, we fell closer to God, because we start to feel manifestation The Holy Spirit in our born again spirit. Spirit starts to leaking out towards the soul, then from our soul to the flesh. So if I was to make a list of what fasting does, I will start to say it gets the flesh out the way for God to do what’s He wanted to do for us all along. 1) Fasting get us closer to God, 2) removes unbelief, 3) power of  The Spirit works through us, 4) Get direction, 5) winning temptation, 6) remove the impossible mountains, 7) lose bonds of strongholds, 8) undo heavy burdens, 9) break every joke & oppression, 10) strengthens your spirit so you’re able to gives spiritual food to others, 11) covering others when their spiritually naked or to stand be able to stand in the gap for others, 12) light will break out, 13) brings physical healing to your body, 14) give God access to break the sealing of limitation for Him to imparting knowledge, and wisdom 15) to receive interpretation of dreams and visions, 16) giving God room to accomplished and manifest His will for your life.


I know that God wants to see people that will be fit for the Kingdom. Jesus said, “what does the Kingdom of God look like in a person that has it manifesting. It’s like a man that planted a seed in his garden and it grew and became a large tree.” If you want to become a large tree that will cover many, you would press into God to transform so you can be that tree one day. Don’t bee the seed that gets no water. Seed without the water is useless. Apostle Paul side he labored so that Christ would be formed in them. And in another place, he side for us to obtain the fullness of Christ. You can have The Holy Spirit but not give Him time so that He can be formed in you. See God wants us perfected in Christ. So we can have His Kingdom be manifested on earth thru us. If we pursue cleansing our soul and sanctifying it. We will be useful to the Lord. We don’t pursue godliness then we won’t see a change in us and around us.


7. Sanctification

Sanctification: The moment someone receives salvation, they become a new creation in their human spirit. This is what we call born-again. At the time of salvation, The Holy Spirit sanctified the human spirit and makes a home on the inside of your sanctified spirit. Sanctification happens in one area, your human spirit. The human soul is not sanctified during salvation nor the human body. The sanctification of the soul is a process that takes time by enforcing the positional truth of your new nature by the act of separation from that which is evil, and to dedication towards growing in God.

Human spirit: Sanctification by faith through believing in Jesus Christ as savior. The believer recognizes his identification with Christ in His death and resurrection. The Holy Spirit sealed are spirit and keeps it sanctified. The question is can God and demons coexist in the same place? the answer is yes and no. Ones sealed with The Holy Spirit, your spirit becomes His home and nothing unclean can be there. But the human soul & body is not sealed.

Human soul: Our soul has three parts. Mind, Emotions & will. The World, Satan, circumstances and are sin have transformed our souls contrary to what God had intended. Applying truth over time will bring sanctification to our souls. Some believers hardly or never get sanctified in their souls because they never put the time into re-training their soul with truth. Because you are a believer does not main you are transformed. This is where evil spirit make their home if we as Christians allow them. Are spirit is sanctified and given the grace+power to influence the soul if we chose to walk in it. We have to press into sanctifying our souls since we have been given the keys to making change happen. This leaves us with no excuse not to have a sanctified soul over time.

Human body: 1) Our bodies will one day be sanctified at the day we receive the new body in heaven. During this life on earth are body’s will decline and go back to the dust from where it came. 2) We also have the ability to choose what we put in our body’s. We can keep it clean with right foods or eat junk and have unhealthy consequences. Renumber that our body is the temple of The Holy Spirit. 3) Till then we are responsible to keep our bodies holy and pure living sacrifice to God. We have been given the grace which means the power to rule over our body in The Spirit. Bible says to walk in our new nature (human spirit) to not fulfill the lust of the flesh. We have the grace to not sin with our bodies. Grace is power to rule over but we can choose not to stay pure by our own choices.


8. Healing



9. Deliverance



10. Body, Soul, Spirit
