$ RC House Of Prayer

All giving receipts will be sent to you. Your contributions are tax-deductible.

We have a list of our top 10 expenses that we need help purchasing. Our Prayer is that God would put it on your heart to give by helping us get the materials & the items for this remodel project.  By Clicking on the item it will directly give you the option to buy.

Suggestions on giving: One is to listen to His voice. If you hear an amount, give that amount. The second way is to purpose it in your heart what you would like to give, not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful giver. The third way of giving is to tithe 10% of what you earn. It is not our intention that anyone should go into debt in order to give to this ministry. Our desire is that you give out of what you have & not what you don′t have and that your motivation for giving is your love for God and a desire to help this ministry. For the purpose of spreading the Good News, healing the sick, setting the oppressed free, and to give us a chance to make disciples.

Giving process: We offer online credit card process as a convenience to you. This makes it faster and better for us to process all giving receipts.