Prayer Line

Prayer Line 740x198 2


Fernando Perez CROPFERNANDO PEREZ  916-470-9573

Rayford Johnson CROPRAYFORD JOHNSON 800-406-9120

If you are not able to get a hold of one of our prayer team. We have videos and audios of prayers available. We see merciless happen through prayer videos & audios, so get the help you need on your time. Prayer videos and audios have been soaked in a lot of fasting, prayer, and worship. We are in agreement that God’s power will reach are brothers and sister thru are media!

  1. VIDEO CLIPSA-Z video prayers

    AUDIOA-Z audio prayers

    A-ZA-Z books on subjects


    A1VIDEO CLIPS AUDIO A-Z Abandoned: Felling Abandoned all the time. Need prayer?

    A2VIDEO CLIPS AUDIO A-Z Abortion: I had an Abortion. How does that effect me?

    A3VIDEO CLIPS AUDIO A-Z Addiction: I can’t stop my Addictions no matter what I do.

    A4VIDEO CLIPS AUDIO A-Z Adultery: I have done Adultery. How this will affect you.

    A5VIDEO CLIPS AUDIO A-Z Anger: I cant control my Anger. I need help.

    A6VIDEO CLIPS AUDIO A-Z Anxious: I’m always Anxious and have Anxiety.

    A7VIDEO CLIPS AUDIO A-Z Argumentative: I’m are Argumentative but don’t know it?



    Prayer: Backslide

  2. Belligerent
  3. Bestiality
  4. Bitterness
  5. Blaspheme
  6. Blight
  7. Blindness
  8. Brokenhearted
  9. Brokenness


  1. Captive
  2. Chaos/Chaotic
  3. Carnal
  4. Charmer
  5. Children taken Away, in Bondage Imprisoned
  6. Christian Science
  7. Chronic Disorders
  8. Chronic Illnesses
  9. Chronic Physical/Mental Exhaustion
  10. Chronic Skin Disorders
  11. Comatose
  12. Competitive
  13. Complaining
  14. Compulsive Fear
  15. Compulsive Sin
  16. Conceit
  17. Confusion
  18. Connive
  19. Contention
  20. Continual Loss
  21. Convulsions
  22. Corruption
  23. Coveting
  24. Coveting Material Things
  25. Coveting People or Another Person’s Spouse
  26. Crippled
  27. Critical
  28. Cruel
  29. Cult
  30. Cultist
  31. Cult or Occult Involvement
  32. Cures (swear)
  33. Cursing


  1. Deception
  2. Defeat
  3. Defends Sin and Erroneous Beliefs
  4. Defensive
  5. Denial
  6. Denies Atonement
  7. Denies Deity Christ
  8. Depression
  9. Despair
  10. Despise/Despised
  11. Despise
  12. Destructive
  13. Devastation
  14. Devious
  15. Disease
  16. Discontent
  17. Discouraged
  18. Disgrace
  19. Dishonest
  20. Dishonoring God’s Name
  21. Dishonoring God through Spoken Words
  22. Dishonoring/Harming God’s Anointed
  23. Dishonoring/Harming the Elderly
  24. Dishonoring Parents
  25. Disingenuous
  26. Disobedient
  27. Disregarding Church Attendance
  28. Disrespecting Authority Figures
  29. Dissension
  30. Dissociation
  31. Distorted Thinking/Perception
  32. Distracted
  33. Divination
  34. Double Minded
  35. Doubt
  36. Dread
  37. Drought
  38. Drug Abuse


  1. Ear Ailments
  2. Eastern Religions
  3. Embezzler
  4. Empty
  5. Enchanter
  6. Endanger Someone’s Life
  7. Endemic Illnesses
  8. Enslaved
  9. Entice
  10. Envy
  11. Epilepsy
  12. Eye Ailments
  13. Evil Actions
  14. Excessive Crying
  15. Excessive Mourning


  1. Failure
  2. Failure to Give Tithes and Offerings to God, His House (Church)
  3. Failure to Give to the Poor
  4. Failure to Help the Poor, Disabled, and Innocent
  5. Fall
  6. False Accusations
  7. False Doctrine
  8. False Guilt
  9. False Prophet/Prophecy
  10. False Teacher
  11. False Tongues
  12. False Visions/Prophets
  13. Faulty Character
  14. Fear
  15. Fearful Guilt
  16. Fear of Death
  17. Fear of Judgment
  18. Fear of Man
  19. Fevers
  20. Flattery
  21. Foaming of Mouth
  22. Foolish
  23. Fornication
  24. Fortune Telling
  25. Fraud
  26. Freemasons or Other Secret Lodges
  27. Fretting
  28. Futility


  1. Genetic Illnesses
  2. Gluttony
  3. Gnosticism
  4. Gossip
  5. Greed
  6. Grief
  7. Grinding Teeth
  8. Groaning
  9. Grumbling
  10. Guilt


  1. Hardened Heart
  2. Harming God’s Anointed/Authority Figures
  3. Harming the Elderly
  4. Harming the Poor, Disable, and Innocent
  5. Harming Yourself or Others
  6. Hate
  7. Haughtiness
  8. Heart Ailments
  9. Helpless
  10. Hoard
  11. Homosexuality
  12. Hopelessness
  13. Horror
  14. Humanism
  15. Humiliated
  16. Hurt
  17. Hypocrite
  18. Hypocritical Liar
  19. Hypnotist
  20. Hysteria


  1. Idle
  2. Idol
  3. Idolatry
  4. Immorality
  5. Imprudence
  6. Impurity
  7. Incest
  8. Incurable Skin Disorders
  9. Inflammations
  10. Injuring Others
  11. Injustice
  12. Insanity
  13. Insatiable
  14. Insecurity
  15. Insincere
  16. Islam
  17. Insufficiency
  18. Irreverent


  1. Jealousy
  2. Jehovah Witnesses


  1. Kabala


  1. Lack Direction
  2. Lawless
  3. Legalism
  4. Lewdness
  5. Lingering Disorders
  6. Lost
  7. Love of Money
  8. Lured
  9. Lust
  10. Lying


  1. Magic
  2. Male Prostitution
  3. Malice
  4. Malign
  5. Manipulator
  6. Medium
  7. Mental Exhaustion
  8. Mental Health Disorders
  9. Mental illnesses
  10. Merciless
  11. Mildew
  12. Miserly
  13. Mislead
  14. Missing
  15. Mistreatment of Foreigners
  16. Mocker
  17. Mormonism
  18. Murder
  19. Murmur
  20. Muttering


  1. Narcissistic
  2. Necromancer
  3. Neglecting Sabbath Rest
  4. Neglect to Serve God
  5. New Age Movement
  6. Nightmares
  7. Night Terrors
  8. Night tremors


  1. Oaths
  2. Occult
  3. Oppression
  4. Overwhelmed


  1. Pain
  2. Panic Attacks
  3. Paralysis
  4. Pathological Liar
  5. Peeping (False Tongues)
  6. Persuasive
  7. Perverse
  8. Perverts the Word
  9. Phobias
  10. Physical
  11. Physical Exhaustion
  12. Physic, Palm or Tarot card readings
  13. Pimp
  14. Poverty
  15. Powerless
  16. Prayers Unanswered
  17. Profane
  18. Promises
  19. Prostitution
  20. Pround/Pride
  21. Psychosomatic Disorders


  1. Quarrelsome


  1. Rage
  2. Rebellion
  3. Reckless
  4. Rejected
  5. Relapse
  6. Restlessness
  7. Risky Behaviors
  8. Ruin


  1. Sacrifices Children to Idols (Satan)
  2. Sacrilegious
  3. Santeria
  4. Satanic Bondage
  5. Satanism
  6. Schemer
  7. Scientology
  8. Secret Life/Sins
  9. Seducing
  10. Seizures
  11. Self-Deception
  12. Self-Destructive
  13. Selfish
  14. Self-Indulgent
  15. Self-Loathing
  16. Self-Pity
  17. Self-Righteous
  18. Servant of Corruption
  19. Sexual Perversions
  20. Sexual Immorality
  21. Shame
  22. Shepard Movement
  23. Sickness
  24. Sighing
  25. Skin Disorders
  26. Slander
  27. Smug
  28. Soothsayer
  29. Sorcery
  30. Sorrow
  31. Soul tie *
  32. Spasms
  33. Speech Problem
  34. Spells
  35. Spine Ailments
  36. Spiritism
  37. Spirit, Soul, or Body Prostitution
  38. Spiritual Adultery
  39. Spiritual Blindness
  40. Spiritually Dead
  41. Spiritually Deaf
  42. Spiritually Dull
  43. Spiritual Poverty
  44. Spiritual Sickness
  45. Spiteful
  46. Splanchnomancy
  47. Stargazer
  48. Stealing
  49. Stressed
  50. Strife
  51. Stubborn
  52. Subversive
  53. Suicidal Behaviors
  54. Superstition
  55. Sycophant


  1. Terminal Illnesses
  2. Terror
  3. Terrorized
  4. The Way International
  5. Tormented
  6. Tremors
  7. Turmoil
  8. Tumors
  9. Turn for God
  10. Twists the Truth


  1. Uncertainty
  2. Unfair
  3. Unfaithful
  4. Unfavorable Weather
  5. Unholy or Degrading Marital Relations
  6. Unification Church
  7. Unitarian Universalism
  8. Universalism
  9. Unjust
  10. Unmerciful
  11. Unrighteous Gain
  12. Unruly
  13. Unteachable
  14. Untimely Demise
  15. Unwise
  16. Unwise Speech


  1. Vain
  2. Vengeance
  3. Victim
  4. Violence
  5. Vows


  1. Wanders from Truth
  2. Wasting Disease
  3. Wayward
  4. Weak willed
  5. Witchcraft
  6. Wizardry
  7. Word Curses
  8. Worldly
  9. Worship Idols
  10. Worship of Other Gods
  11. Wounded


  1. Xtream pain


  1. Y


  1. Z