Deliverance & Healing Service

healing-deliverance-serviceDeliverance & Healing services are from 7 pm to 10:30 pm. If you are in the need of Deliverance or Healing, this service is for you!. Our hope is to see you walk out of this service whole and feeling empowered to step in the calling God has for you in freedom. He has given us the right to step on the devils head, and if you’re tired of living a defeated life, this might be the place for you. We all need a jump start, and to be refreshed in hope.


7pm to 8:45pm Prayer & Worship

8:45pm to 10:30pm Healing & Deliverance Service

What to expect from the prayer team up on stage.



notes Notes



  • VIDEO CLIPS  AUDIO  notes Tom F. Foaming out of the mouth, is not the only sign that you may have demons on the inside of you.

  • VIDEO CLIPS  AUDIO  notes Fernando P. Exposing demonic fear.

  • VIDEO CLIPS  AUDIO  notes Carlos O. Braking curses & demonic activity.

  • VIDEO CLIPS  AUDIO  notes Rayford J. Safeguarding from demon technology.

  • VIDEO CLIPS  AUDIO  notes Tom F. Identifying 4 types of manifestations of evil spirits.