Prayer & Worship Room



7pm to 9:30pm Prayer & Worship

9:30pm to 10:30pm Discipleship


7pm to 9:30pm Prayer & Worship

9:30pm to 10:30pm Teaching Night


7pm to 8:45pm Prayer & Worship

8:45pm to 10:30pm Healing & Deliverance Service

Please come in the spirit of prayer, and worship. Lats do our best not to be distracting or even get sidetrack from the real purpose of why wear heir. The time we have is for The Lord.

Power of God Manifested A Revival Through Prayer & Worship:

In early 1900 hundreds, revivals broke out in four parts of the world. Two of them were in the United States. At that time people prayed for an outpouring of the Spirit. I ask the question, who brings revival? God or God’s people? The right answer is God’s people. So, it’s never on God to do it. It’s up to his people. Can you imagine God wanting to bless a community in our time, but not another? How can God have favorites or be prejudice? If it was up to Him, revival wouldn’t have stopped from the moment it started in the book of Acts. Fortunately, we can have a revival. It’s up to God’s people to allow God to move on the Earth.

Most people that come to God end up serving the church. That is great if the number one priority is spending time with God. When the time with God becomes all about just serving, this typically leads new believers into a cycle of becoming church slaves rather than knowing who they are in Christ. They don’t learn what the fullness of their born-again spirit consists of. Most of the time, they become burned out or they fall away from their faith. They have so much church activities, but no time for the Holy Spirit to bring about that transformation within them.

The most effective ministers that I know spend a good amount of their time with God. In result, when they serve the community, they have something to offer that is tangible or defective. The effectiveness of their lives is evident. The power of the Spirit is active within them; wherever they go the Spirit’s power is present. This type of person carries the conviction of sin and the power to love with compassion. These kinds of man and woman have given their time to be transformed into the image of Christ.

To be honest, there are a lot of areas of the present-day church that is being run like a business. Although there is a healthy side to running a church like a business, I have seen decisions that are made for financial gains rather than for God. Truthfully, it is not done with evil or bad intentions half of the time. Instead, it is what has been taught, passed down, or modeled from others. This is similar to what had happened to the Old Testament believers. Take a look at Mark 11:15-17, “And they came to Jerusalem. And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold & those who bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. And he would not allow anyone to carry anything through the temple. And he was teaching them & saying to them, “Is it not written, ‘my house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations?’ But you have made it a den of robbers.”

One of the main reasons the church is powerless is because they have lost their first love. Knowledge is not good without God. The church should be a place of prayer before anything else and a consistent praying church will be a growing church.

Matthew 23:39, “for I say to you, “you she’ll see Me no more till you say,” ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” Imagine someone coming in the name of the Lord, but the spectators don’t see Jesus within him. Instead, they see someone that is emotionally messed up or just having knowledge. In contrast, imagine people seeing Jesus when they see you. That’s what Jesus was implying. You shall see Me no more till you experience someone’s life that represents Jesus with love & power. Love & power does not just come with activities, but with intimacy with the Holy Spirit. The world needs people of the Spirit, not people of activities.

worship.  Worship 2We can learn a lot from an 8-month old that naturally started worshiping God before he started walking. No one thought him nor he saw an example of anyone else putting their hands up with eyes closed, but he did this when worship music was playing. He kept doing this day in, and day out. We have to turn and become like this little child by committing to the presence of God by raising our hands to Him in worship and Prayer.