Worship Songs


We have put some of our favorite songs in this YouTube list for anyone that wants to get a good start in the right directions regarding worshiping God through songs. Some of the most anointed worship leaders and groups have helped us enter in His presents over the years. This is also a good link to share with someone that just got saved and has no idea where to start. Please partner with us by making this list better by giving us leads to other songs that may also be anointed.

What Worship does to you as a believer.

Worshiping God is like spending time with him or being in the place called the kingdom. When we enter into a kingdom long in-off. We learn the customs and operations of that kingdom. Specially when we are part of that kingdom and we have the keys to enter into that kingdom through worship.

We are in a damnation that operates with the 5 senses the flesh. In the kingdom operated in the spirit. If we stay long in-off in worship or in a kingdom, we will think and talk and do things differently. See we have spent a lot of time in the flesh/world so it’s hard to think and talk and believe like Heaven. As it is in heaven it is on earth. But most of us are as it is on earth it is on earth right!! That’s not how it should be. John 4:23-24 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

Entering into worship is not the same as being in a worship seating and never interning in to His presents. What I main by this is most people go to the service and really never enter into the kingdom. They sing couple songs and seat down in service. One of the best ways to inter is when you keep pressing into God till all the cloudy thoughts and troubles start to wash away from your soul and you begin to inter in with your spirit to His presents. Sometimes even interning in you might still be in some turmoil but the effects of what you are going thru will noticeably starting to get lesser and lesser as you stay in that place with God.

Being suspended in Worship frees our mind to be who we are created to be. For example, I had more faith for someone to get healed over the phone when I had suspended my self in long time in worship. Renumber the saying in 1 John 4:18 “there is no fear in love.” It’s also the same their is no dough in love. When you are in love or Let’s say it this way, when you are inside of love. Their is no lack in the kingdom of love. It’s full of endless possibilities and resources. Your atmosphere around you is different.

Worship brings us to a place of falling in love with God. This is where we give birth to intimacy & intimacy brings out power of the Spirit. See the kingdom of God is inside of us. How do we get this kingdom out of us so we can see the wonderful things of God to start happening through us? When are spirit worships God long in-off, the kingdom of God starts to leak out into our soul. One’s are soul start to think and believe like the kingdoms. Then we will experience the miracles God has side to us. John 14:12-14 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it. To believe, will be determined based on where you spend your precious time. Wear I spend my time will be evident later on by your fruit. If I spend my time in the kingdom, I will produce Kingdom results. But if I spend my time wasting it in the world, then I will produce worldly things.

