Ministry Partners

Fernando This Ministry operates in Healing and deliverance. Signs and wonders are a normal occurrence in Fernando’s Ministry. Bringing freedom to people that are demonically possessed or oppressed.

Rayford Johnson This Ministry helps inmates in prisons and jails, to receive Healing and deliverance from their past living of sin. Miracles signs and wonders are ongoing occurrences in Rayford’s Ministry. Bringing freedom to people that are demonically possessed and oppressed by the devil.

imgres This Ministry operates in merciless and healing. The love of God shows up with power threw Alex’s, Caleb & Nell’s Ministry. The Ministry is geared towards bringing pure doctrine to the body of Christ. Teaching believers to walk in love and power.


Dave Roberson4 Keys to real change.

The Walk of the Spirit – The Walk of Power Companion Series (CD2011) This is a companion series to the book of the same title. It contains 20 messages of Dave teaching about the various facets and benefits of praying in tongues and sharing stories from his life in his own walk of the spirit. (Many of the messages from this series are in other series as well.)

Meditating Gods Word

How to Meditate the Word of God (CD211) This series contains cardinal rules for meditating the Word of God, how meditation impacts your soul, and how the power and promises in the Word are released through meditating the Word.

Meditation by Assimilation (CD312) Our souls have the power to transform us to whatever we subject them to the most, whether it be a language, a culture, or the Word of God. We call this process assimilation. Dave teaches how this process works to equip yourself for day and night meditation of the Word.

Meditation, Imagery, and Delivery (CD819) Meditation builds the imagery of the Word of God so powerfully inside of you that it will affect how you teach or preach. Contains many examples of how meditating the Word helped Dave receive revelation knowledge on “hard to crack” scriptures.

Praying in tongues

The Basics of Prayer (CD1080) This series contains some of the foundational teachings Dave has taught on prayer. They are encouraging, informative, and will help you establish a solid prayer life.

Tongues for the Believer (CD411) In this series, Dave explains the purpose for tongues and how this type of prayer will bring many blessings and benefits to a believer’s life. A must for anyone who wants a basic understanding of praying in tongues.

Walking in the Spirit (CD434) The power to overcome challenging circumstances is available to us through living and operating in the spirit (our new nature) instead of walking in the flesh. Walking in the spirit is to walk in the Word because they both agree. This series contains Dave’s testimony of when he entered the ministry.

Protocol for Petitional Prayer (CD311) The purpose of prayer is not just to get our needs met-God is our Father and He wants to meet our needs. Prayer draws us to the heart of God in a loving relationship. So when Jesus taught the disciples how to pray, He laid out a protocol for presenting a need. It is not a formula, it is a way to focus our hearts and honor our God.


**UPDATED AND EXPANDED:** Private Worship Vol. I – Worship God in Spirit and in Truth (CD1071)The most costly thing that Heaven ever sustained was our right to make choices, so when we choose to worship God, it means everything to Him. In this series, Dave teaches us how to enter into the kind of worship that God waited thousands of years to receive-worship that we can only give Him out of the new nature He gave to us.

Private Worship Vol. II – The Revelation of the Father (CD1072) Each time you enter into fellowship with God through worship, your new nature pulls on and reservoirs His unlimited love. During these times, you can’t help but be changed and understand more of God and His plan for your life. Listen as Dave shares his personal journey from knowing God to knowing God as Father. You’ll come to realize that everything God did for us, He did to make us His family once more.

Private Worship Vol. III – The Fellowship Gift (CD1073) God desires your fellowship more than you could ever imagine. Listen as Dave teaches you how to fellowship with God through worship-the only key that flows from you to God to bless Him. Whether you are called to minister behind a pulpit or to be God’s light in your own home, your first and foremost call is to get to know Him, and the best way for you to get to know Him is to spend time fellowshipping with Him through worship.

Private Worship Vol. IV – Receiving the Fullness of His Love (CD1074) First John 4:8 tells us that God is love. He doesn’t HAVE Love-He IS Love. When we were born into the family of God, we gained the capacity to receive God’s love and to love in return. Through spending time in private worship, we increase that capacity, and as our capacity for His love increases, the more of His love we are able to receive. God’s love literally transforms us from the inside out, casting out all fear and failure and becoming the avenue of compassion the Father needs to heal, restore, and devastate every work of the enemy.


The Basics of Fasting (CD511) Fasting is a subject most people like to avoid and few people understand. Yet it can help break us free from strongholds and ‘ceilings’ over our lives – things that have kept us from hearing God and walking in His power.

List of Fasting Sermons
   WR100207 | Fasting Changes You 
   WS100221  Fasting (wine skin)
   WR100314  The Power Twins – Prayer & Fasting
   PS100221B  These Great Moves-Much Fast & Pray
   PS100227E  Prayer and Fasting I Have Given You
   WS101219 |  We Have a Year of Fasting Coming 
   WS110109 |  Introduction to Fasting 
   WR110206A |  The Power of Fasting
   WR110206B |  Benefits of Fasting & Prayer I
   WR110209  Benefits of Fasting & Prayer II
   WR110320 |  Fasting Executes the Position of Death
   WS130609 |  Private Worship and Fasting 
   WS131007 |  Fasting Preserves Your Old Wineskin 
   WR140511 |  The Power Twins – Prayer & Fasting 
   PS140511B |  Praying in the Spirit and Fasting
   GS160110A |  Fasting – Start Where You Are At


David Hogan: Raising The Dead 


Favorite Sermons


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VIDEO CLIPS TB Joshua Videos

Commentary Tom’s Commentaries



1VIDEO CLIPS Commentary The spirit of Lust effecting marriage & family.

2VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Spiritual Husband destroys affection in marriage 1.

3VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Spiritual Husband destroys affection in marriage 2.

4VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Spiritual Husband destroys affection in marriage 3.

5VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Pasteur’s wife being used by a spiritual husband to destroy his ministry.

6VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Spiritual husband switches roles in marriage.

7VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Spiritual husband causing problems in marriage true anger.

8VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Control in marriage, where does it come from.

9VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Mome and son have been suffering from spirits of strong man.

10VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Prince of Persia speaks: How demons destroy!

11VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Spirit of Anger destroying man of Gods ministry

12VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Tattoo covenant with evil spirit and their work

13VIDEO CLIPS Commentary How the spirit of Pornography destroys lives

14VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Martial Arts snake tattoo brought demon inside

15VIDEO CLIPS Commentary The spirit of smoking affecting all areas of life

16VIDEO CLIPS Commentary The spirit of smoking being a portal to other demons

17VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Evil spirit works against Christians that are on fire

18VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Spirit of lion, tattoo of a lion, and the effects

19VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Woman used by spirit of fornication to destroy man

20VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Supernatural needles appear in girl true witchcraft

21VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Drinking and drugs curse in a woman’s life.

22VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Demon intering a woman thru sex

23VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Spirit of lust/porn with smoking, destroyed family, and marriage

24VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Porn is an initiation for domes to inter people.

25VIDEO CLIPS Commentary What Makes A Woman Barren? Barrenness Solution!

26VIDEO CLIPS Commentary How To Get Your Career Back on Track? Why good work goes unnoticed

27VIDEO CLIPS Commentary From Demon That Entered Through Computer Games

28VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Lust, sex, smoking & more destroying the life of a man.

29VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Spirit of Idle wanting blood to get strong. Destroying the person career.

30VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Our Time Is Short and Sends Out Agents To Seduce

31VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Watch A Lady Delivered From Smoking Cocaine And Heroine

32VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Judging, condemning, manipulating spirits destroyed marriage and more.

33VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Dragon spirit in a woman that belongs to a satanic kingdom

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35VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

36VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

37VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

38VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

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47VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

48VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

49VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

50VIDEO CLIPS Commentary


1VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Cystic Fibrosis Miraculously Healing

2VIDEO CLIPS Commentary Watch Chronic Hip Joint Disease Miracle Healing 

3VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

4VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

5VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

6VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

7VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

8VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

9VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

10VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

11VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

12VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

13VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

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19VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

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21VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

22VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

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24VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

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32VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

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45VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

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47VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

48VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

49VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

50VIDEO CLIPS Commentary

Robert Morris Robert Morris

Christians can be demon possessed 1-10

VIDEO CLIPS Under The Influence

VIDEO CLIPS Beware of Demonic Spirits

VIDEO CLIPS Permission Granted

VIDEO CLIPS Believers in Bondage

VIDEO CLIPS Breaking The Snare

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VIDEO CLIPS Fighting For Your Life

VIDEO CLIPS Wounded Warriors


10 VIDEO CLIPS Set Free After Admitting

spirit of Jezebel 1-1



Kieran Yeo Jason Sciscoe:

spirit of Jezebel 1-24


























Carlos O Carlos Oliveira

 What we don’t know about Prayer

One of the best Marriage advice you can get!!!